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Studies, Reports, Maps, Documents, Resources

Over time we hope to be able to collect relevant documents that hold information about Hotel Lake and the issues that affect the ecological health of the lake and its watershed and all the wildlife that reside in and around the lake.


These documents can be hard to find so when we do find them, this is our way of making sure they survive into the future and are available to all who wish to read them and learn more.


These documents are generally arranged in chronological order, that being the date they were published.  We present the title of the document and a brief description which. Clicking on the title, calls up the document onto your screen, usually in pdf format.


We have also created several library annexes to house documents related to specialized areas such as shown below:



Annual Report

Aquifer & Groundwater


Water Quality

Fish and Fisheries


Riparian Zones


Department of Transportation




If anyone wishes to contribute a document that is not on our list, please do let us know as you will be making an important contribution to these efforts to consolidate information for the benefit of all.  We would especially appreciate any documents or newsletters that relate to the days when AAQWA was active.

1992 Sunshine Coast Regional District Area A Lakes Study, prepared by Westland Resource Group, Victoria. BC.  This is the first major lake study for Area A and lays out a great many recommendations. In the 30 intervening years, this study is often quoted in subsequent, reports and proceedings. As such it is an important cornerstone of the present day master water plan.


2002 Summary of May 2002 Hydrology Report on Hotel Lake

This report, published in 2003 by the "Hotel Lake Water Conservation Association" appears to be a redacted 8 page summary of the original report of 50 pages, plus appendices. 


2004, June 16, Environmental Appeal Board Decision

On March 31 2004, AAQWA Association appealed to the EAB for a stay of the decisions, made by the Assistant Regional Water Manager, pending a decision on the merits of the appeals. The EAB considered written submissions on May 14, 2004. This document is the EAB’s June 16, 2004 decision to deny the requested stay.


2005, August 9, Environmental Appeal Board Decision

On January 10-14 and January 17, 2005, the AQWAA appeal was heard. This document is the  six-point decision issued on August 9, 2005 with a minor amendment on March 23, 2006.


2005, SUNSHINE COAST LAKES 2005 LAKE SURVEYS, Hotel Lake, published by the Ministry of Environment Fish & Wildlife with assistance from Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC


2006  West Coast Environmental Law helps protect Sunshine Coast

January 11, 2006 - Posted in British Columbia ContextProtecting Water Quality and EcologyWater Source Protection


2006 Kerr Wood Leidal Consulting Engineers -DRAFT- Hotel Lake Hydrologic Analysis

This study was necessarily expanded to address directions of the BC Environmental Board Decision of August 2005.​


2007, January, 30 Area A Quality Water Association (AAQWA), Presidents Report

In preparation for an upcoming Public Water Meeting, Joe Harrison updated AAQWA members and asked for their support.


2007,  February 13,  AAQWA Forum Letter from president Joe Harrison

Immediately after the February 13 Public Water Meeting, Joe Harrison wrote these welcome words in an AAQWA newsletter


2007 Area A Draft Master Water Plan Framework final revision_Feb 2007.pdf

The Environmental Appeal Board ruling on the Hotel Lake license transfers Public Hearing in 2005 required the SCRD to publish a water master plan. Ministry of Environment henceforth adopted a position that current and future applications for water extraction from any of the lakes must be supported by a Water Master Plan.


2008 77-year-old Irvine’s Landing School gets facelift, Article in May 2008, Harbour Spiel, by Brian Lee 


2008 Jaques Whitford Phase 1 Data Gaps Evaluation and Water Supply Study Plan for SCRD Area A, Final Report.  This report summarizes existing hydrometric station data, evaluates future data needs, and describes the future approach for the collection of meteorological and hydrological data in Area A.


2008, Sept, Kerr Wood Leidal - final report Pender Harbour Water Treatment feasibility Study.  This report examines three options and makes recommendations concerning the future configuration of both North and South Pender water systems.


2009 STATEMENT OF EXPECTATIONS on Reform of the BC Water Act from BC Nongovernmental Organizations December, 2009

This was a failed attempt, in 2009-2021, to modernize our water act and the management of water licensing.  Strong public opposition forced government to retreat from this initiative, and today, our water licensing is still based largely on the original 1909 Water Act, which is now called the Water Sustainability Act.


2011 Area A Water Master Plan, adopted 11-03-2011_.pdf

This document provides an update to the 2007 edition of the Area A Water Master Plan


2019 LINK TO RESEARCH ARTICLE -  CULTUS LAKE. Eutrophication forcings on a peri-urban lake ecosystem: Context for integrated watershed to airshed management.

Note: Cultus Lake is about 250 times larger than Hotel Lake and the Jewel of the GRVD and Fraser Valley, yet despite the best intentions of multiple interest groups, read what happened.


A Shoreline Owners Guide to Healthy Waterfronts.  This guide offers you information and advice on ways to make the most of your shoreline property while living in balance with your lake’s fragile ecosystem. Find out what you can do to take care of your lake so that future generations can enjoy it, too!


2020 , Sep 10, Agenda of Planning & Committee Development Meeting

Good source of information about PODS on page 271 and the Hotel Lake Park trail, dock and beach proposals on page 299 (sorry to make you scroll so much).


2021, May 12, PHLHS Update on Path and Dock project

Clarification of what's planned for later in 2021 and beyond.


Riparian Info: Notes on Riparian Areas Regulation, provincial and federal

An excellent outline of Riparian Area regulations


Riparian Brochure published by Provincial Government, 2016


Riparian Fact Sheet, by the Provincial Government, published 2012

Selecting plants for agricultural riparian plantings


Lands Near Water Riparian Restoration & Enhancement, updated 2018

Stewardship and practices report published and updated 2018


Invasive Species - Grow Me Instead brochure

Comprehensive, with lots of photos, to help you find alternatives to invasive species.





A Last Consolidated on March 28, 2019, to: Establish Zones and Subdivision Districts and Regulate the Use of Land, Buildings and Structures Within the Zones.


2021, 6PPD-Quinone – Mystery Salmon Killer

Stunning new study on vehicle tire effluent in road run off causing death to fish


2021, BYLAW NO. 376, A Bylaw to regulate the keeping of dogs within the Sunshine Coast Regional District.


2022 BRITISH COLUMBIA FIRE SAFE MANUAL, An excellent resource to make your home and property safer and more fire resistant, by reducing fire hazard risks.



A bylaw to establish procedures and fees to amend an official community plan, zoning bylaw, or land use contract, or to issue a permit under Part 14 of the Local Government Act, and to establish application procedures and fees for subdivision applications, applications to the Board of Variance, and requests for a variance under Section 8 (a) of the Health Act Sewage Disposal Regulations.


Hotel Lake Advisory Association

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